How to Block Fortnite

Chances are you’ve heard of the very addictive game called Fortnite, and chances are you’re here because you want to prevent yourself from spending hours and hours playing the game.

Follow this guide to block Fortnite (or any other game, for that matter) and take back your life of productivity.

Creating a Plan

The first thing you do is either create a new plan or edit an existing one. To create a new plan, hit the “Add Plan” button on the upper right. To edit an existing plan, you can either right-click on the plan and select “Edit Plan” or hit the respective ellipsis on the right.

Type the name of the Focus plan (for editing existing plans, the name shows up here) then hit “Next”.

You can skip the Websites page this time since we will be blocking applications instead of websites. Hit “Next” until you go to the Application Page (3/6).

The process of blocking application/s is pretty similar to blocking websites. There are some minor differences, though. Click “Add App”.

The Helper feature would be really handy in this situation. If you’re not familiar with it, this guide will show you how to use it:

The image below shows information about Fortnite that you can use to block it.

helper fortnite01

Based on the above information, you can block Fortnite via Application Name or Window Title. You can use one or both methods, as with the example below. Please take note of the types used. Click “Next” when done.

Go through the rest of the guide as per your preferences. Then save the plan and start it up and see how much time you spend on being productive!


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